Morgan Seegmiller, owner of Legal AZ, is an attorney who has successfully resolved hundreds of personal injury cases. Attorneys and insurance companies have come to him for his opinion on what value should be placed on personal injury cases. Based upon the information and background gained through this experience, he is well-qualified to represent you to resolve your personal injury claim.
Services Provided
Legal AZ offers several different types of services for personal injury claims, including the following:
Attorney Representation: Many of our clients prefer that we handle all negotiations with the insurance carrier. With the reduced rates we charge, we feel we can get you a fair settlement without making the lawyer rich! Unless otherwise agreed upon we will never receive more than you do!
Silent Advisor Service: We will assist you in preparing your demand package and in your negotiations with the insurance company. Our primary and most valuable service is to consult with you regarding offers made by the carrier–advising you as to whether the offer is within an acceptable range and giving you direction on how to proceed. You conduct the negotiations yourself–which allows you to save on our legal fees. This can be done on an hourly basis, OR on a contingent fee, e.g. we get paid when you get paid.
Discounted Fees: IF YOU DON’T GET PAID, WE DON’T GET PAID! In other words, we work on a “contingent fee.” Typically, our fees are “stepped” meaning that we charge less if we can get the case resolved without filing a lawsuit.
Doctor referrals: We work with a number of medical providers who will be willing to provide you with medical treatment on a “lien basis,” meaning that you will not have to pay out any money up front because they will get paid out of your personal injury settlement.
Bankruptcy Advice: Legal AZ provides bankruptcy services as well. In the event you are contemplating bankruptcy during your personal injury settlement, Legal AZ can advise you regarding your rights before and after filing for bankruptcy, so you can maximize the amount of money in your pocket.
Free Consultations: There is no charge for an initial consultation for an accident case.
Legal AZ has over thirty three years of experience and can assist you in making a determination on your Personal Injury case that will be best for you!